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The best diode type for a crystal set?

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The best diode type for a crystal set?

Post by KX4QC »

I had some fun email with KC4NYK about the best diode for a crystal set.

So, I blew the dust off some old memories and found some new devices to recommend;
The article shows why the OA90 series, the old winner generally thought to be OA91, are popular in crystal sets -very low forward voltage.


But there are many others; maybe someone can tell us about the Marconi detector?

A crystal set tuned circuit, ideally, is a high-Q LC tank operating with available antenna-provided low voltages to provide RF to a simple rectifier demodulator. This rectifier needs to be a lowest forward voltage type, or there is insufficient half-cycle RF to make it conduct to provide an audible output.

Can you forward bias a Si diode? Yes, we bias Si varactors every day to make them work, however the joy of the venerable crystal is its independence from external power? A further design consideration is how to maintain high Q of a L-varactor tank, or LC-to-lower impe
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