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My QSSTV SSTV config

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My QSSTV SSTV config

Post by admin »

Here is a simple setup for QSSTV 9.5.8, IC-7610. (We'll do logging separately.)

First, l'll assume you know your callsign and local info, so we'll start with the Sound tab :
Click the tab pix to enlarge

It is possible to specify the sound device, but the defaultPulse or Pulse seems to work well with Arch and Ubuntoids including Mint.

Next comes the CAT tab:
Some comments seem in order here, and a confession.
My USB transfer of data -TX and Rx- works fine, but I have never persuaded QSSTV to reliably control the PTT with CAT. It works fine with other apps but not QSSTV.. With the setup described here, QSSTV will say that it sees no rig; continue anyway without CAT. -it works fine. I'll figure it out one day, but until then, there's an easier way for the PTT:

The /dev/ttyUSB0 port used for data transfer comes with a friend, /dev/ttyUSB1 which allows us to use a separate port for PTT. Set it up as in the picture. There is no extra cable, as both ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 share the same physical connection.

Next, go to the Icom 7610 (I'd guess 7300 is very similar.) Menu > Set > Connectors > USB SEND Keying > USB1 (B) DTR
Now we should be using ttyUSB1's DTR line to signal PTT. Verify that it works by sending a picture to a dummy load.

Now, with any luck, we have signal transfer and reliable PTT. What could possibly go wrong??

Did you make sure that you, the user are a member of the dialout group? This should do it:

Code: Select all

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
This allows the app non-root access to the serial port.

Anything else? Lots but good to bear in mind that while not a lot of power is needed to send pix, you may have to increase the sound card volume by the slaider in Linux Sound Settings, and / or on the rig Menu > Connectors > MOD Input Level is set to about 75% for your input device, ACC or USB typically. Ensure that DATA1 MOD is set to ACC or USB, whatever you are using to input data to the rig.

'Tworks? Hope so. If not post here, and we'll try to get it going.

Logging with CQRLOG. Set up as usual, (See my post here for my config) and make sure the Mode is set to SSTV. The RST sent and received will take 3 numbers or you can use the Px system to report. Both get saved fine.

So now you have SSTV free and the contacts logged free too.
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