Where to find software? Here are some reputable sites, though be aware that much Amateur Radio software is the work of gifted industrious Hams. This means that the lists may have errors and omissions, ready for you to report so the lists may always be kept up to date.
These sites may contain many titles, or just a few. Here are some to get you started:
Some are free, some are not.
Pay-for software better? Sometimes. Take a careful look first. (I just don't like a bully taking my lunch-money. )
Each of these will open in a new window:
DX Engineering: https://www.dxzone.com/catalog/Software/
Amateur Software - W1WC: https://www.w1wc.com/amateur-software/
Amateur Radio Software For Linux: https://www.kc7nyr.com/amateur-radio-so ... for-linux/
Echolink: https://echolink.org/
Ham Radio Deluxe: https://echolink.org/
CHIRP: https://chirpmyradio.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home
RT Systems: https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/
CQRLOG: https://www.cqrlog.com/
K6GTE Field Day logger: K6GTE Field Day logger
Kappenhang: https://github.com/nonoo/kappanhang
Pi-Star: https://www.pistar.uk/
BlueDV: http://www.pa7lim.nl/bluedv-windows/
FreeDV: https://freedv.org/
MSHV: http://lz2hv.org/mshv
Amateur Contact Log: https://n3fjp.com/aclog.html
Distrowatch: http://distrowatch.org/
Andy's KB1OIQ Linux: https://hackaday.com/2023/02/23/a-linux ... ham-needs/
Any more good sites? Add them with a Reply!
Also, it's good to remember that the Free Linux OS usually comes with lots of Amateur Radio software included, ready to install as full working versions, not adware.
Recommended for the beginner: Mint "Cinnamon" https://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=311 Release 21.3 is current at time of writing. Many alternatives are available at Distrowatch, once you are comfortable with Linux.
So, should you install the very latest versions of every Linux app? Yes, if you know what it depends on, and can satisfy any recent dependency, and you know how to tinker. Emphatically NO for the rest of us; just use the included recent, even if not very latest version, because you know that someone has already had it working with your Linux installation.
Need help? There's lots online, including here. The Perpetrator of The Hambone is most familiar with Linux, but will always try to help.
Software for Amateur Radio.
Forum rules
Lots of personal feelings about this area, so please:
Be kind -not everyone agrees with everything.
Opinions are fine, but even better if backed by fact. Share screenshots, log output, etc.
-And ensure that you have a backup before doing anything experimental!
Lots of personal feelings about this area, so please:
Be kind -not everyone agrees with everything.
Opinions are fine, but even better if backed by fact. Share screenshots, log output, etc.
-And ensure that you have a backup before doing anything experimental!
Re: Software for Amateur Radio.
Also see the post about Andy's Linux for Amateur Radio, here on The Hambone:
Lots of good stuff for ham radio, all in one place. Live boot too!
Lots of good stuff for ham radio, all in one place. Live boot too!
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