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Hamlib 4.5 - new feature - IP addressable too.

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Hamlib 4.5 - new feature - IP addressable too.

Post by admin »

Hamlib, the code that enables much CAT support for modern and old rigs keeps getting better.
I was poking around an upgrade last week and found that the hamlib config page looked different. It now can accept IP-addressed ethernet connections as found on may modern rigs. Not well documented maybe, but pretty straightforward.
Good for remote operation and more:

I guess I can't have been looking carefully enough, but I'm pretty sure this is a very recent addition?

Here's the most recent man-pages for hamlib:
The ability to use a rig's IP address and port number rather than USB can get round Win USB - COMx mapping issues, and maybe easier too?
Easy fix for devices competing for same COM-USB connections...
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