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Easy Sideband USA - Australia. - Southern Cross Net.

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 1:33 pm
by admin
There's a directed net to help:
Southern Cross DX Net Detailed Information

This is a Wide Coverage Net
Coverage: DX net - North America to overseas
Traffic Handling: Traffic
Frequencies: 14.238.50
Days (local): EST based Time (local): 7:15:00 AM
UTC Times are Based on Winter Months
Days (UTC): Dy Time (UTC): 1115

Net Manager: W1FDY Comments: This is a controlled dx net - North American based stations are allowed to contact overseas stations in an organized control setting through a Net Controller
Thank you ARRL list of nets, and to Richmond Amateur Radio Club for drawing my attention to The Southern Cross Net.
The time and frequency are just right for propagation, even at lesser solar activity that we have it right now.
Look at a Grayline map, and you'll see that the path is close to the Grayline all the way!

Starting at 07:15 AM EST, you should give it a try! Talk to Australia; hear what Australia has to say....