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LoG HF antenna improved - KK5JY and G3ZZD - VK6LW

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LoG HF antenna improved - KK5JY and G3ZZD - VK6LW

Post by KX4QC »

Want a low-noise HF antenna and not so much space for it? Verticals are practical but not best for receiving SNR.
A while back, Matt Roberts KK5JY described in detail a Loop on Ground antenna (LoG) https://www.kk5jy.net/LoG/, a fine design, but not usefully directional.
The idea is developed in a RadCom article (Nov 2024, pp 18-21) Delta Loop Near Ground (DLPNG), available if you sign in free:
As explained, the proximity to ground does much to remove horizontally polarized noise, leaving the signal and some vertical polarized interference, resulting in useful improved SNR for receiving. The authors recommend the antenna for 1.8 - 30MHz.

References to websites and YouTubes are at the end of the description above.

Small yards don't mean a lousy HF antenna, just a little ingenuity!…login to view the rest of this post
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