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Inexpensive contstruction projects.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:30 am
by KX4QC
Just a random thought for a few inexpensive projects to chew on...
DIY KITS QRM Eliminator X-Phase 1MHz - 30MHz. $17.10. Same principle as ANC-4 from TimeWave, but PTT relay not inc. Also diversity reception.
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 09-44-23.png
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 09-45-14.png

FM bcast radio. Few parts. Outreach project? $18.43 Many similar at this site.
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 09-54-04.png
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 09-50-11.png

RTL dongle HF+ receiver kit. $24.75. Uses OS free software.
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 09-56-44.png
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 09-57-23.png

Also apropos RasPi shortage, I've just completed two projects replacing RasPi B and 2 with Amazon [url][/url] ASIN B074P6BNGZ $35 and ‎B0BQG668P6 $40. I used same GPIO header connections as RPi, but found these boards need boot code which differs from standard RPi. ... rs-boards/ and Otherwise, all binaries were straight from RasPi. Just about as close as you can get to RasPi?
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 10-02-36.png
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 10-04-39.png

</ramble> 73, John KX4QC.

Re: Inexpensive contstruction projects.- T/R switch?

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:22 pm
by KX4QC
Thank you W4BRU for the suggestion to improve the QRM phaser: a T/R switch.
There's a piece about diode switching at ... eive-modes Also includes how a PIN diode works inside.

Maybe better to do it with a relay, remembering that diode across the winding, or to heck with it just buy one of the many fine ready-made solutions, such as:

Re: Inexpensive contstruction projects. - QRM Eliminator

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:56 pm
by admin
i did the first kit from the previous post, the QRM Eliminator.
"Eliminate" means "all gone", right? Hmmm....
So it was just a little project, and i built it with no problems, well one actually: "Does the darned thing work????"

Well, bearing in mind that there is not necessarily a complete answer to "The Maiden's Prayer" for noise, I hooked up my main dipole, and a really bad antenna to catch most noise. I deliberately broke all the rules: I put it in indoors, not too long, close to power and digital cables... That should be good and dirty!

Well, the unit powered up first time, no smoke, and a friendly blue LED. Next, I tuned every every band from 160 - 6m on my 7610, with wide filter and no preselector to find maximum QRM on the audio and waterfall. Then with the "QRM Eliminator". Well, did it work? Yes, and it's is a useful thing -if you dont't pay too much. There are expensive ones that work much the same, take a noise antenna and combine this signal in opposite phase with the main antenna, leaving the wanted signal uncancelled. If the interference has a greatly different phase from the wanted signal, then it mostly works well. Mine works better on 80 - 10m.

On balance, the "QRM Eliminator" is useful, even if it doesn't "eliminate all of all interfence sources, it helps with much of it.