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You matter -only if you're actually heard?

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Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:07 pm

You matter -only if you're actually heard?

Post by admin »

I'm back in my original home, far away, surrounded by elderly relatives and their friends, while we bid a fond farewell to an ageing friend.

I try to say something supportive and receptive to each, and each time it becomes clearer that many of these Senior Citizens live alone, and social contact, even simple conversation, is rare and valued. One said it it is what stops total craziness, even despair setting in on a full and storied life.

Then I got it! Look at that rig of yours. Yes listen first, then frequency in use? Go ahead! Press that PTT, reach for the paddle, Send CQ and make someone's day!

It doesn't happen unless you do it. So do it, SEND CQ! You'll make someone's day.

This someone is you, someday.... So get on with it today!

(FWIW, The Hambone gets over 1800 reads for one write -even a four-letter expletive. The get-off-your-bottom ratio for a meaningful contribution is much less flattering.
Maybe you too have nothing to say; maybe you too can make someone's day! Say something!)

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